This short documentary, produced for the Aga Khan Development Network, explores the significance of the various park and garden projects globally undertaken by the Ismaili Imamat, including their role as spiritual and communal spaces, in environmental stewardship, their capacity to act as springboards for economic development, and their role as educational spaces to teach about the rich diversity and heritage of Muslim cultures and civilisations.
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Islamic Gardens:
Catalysts for Change

Crescent Productions is a media production company focused on promoting greater understanding and tolerance of different cultures and religions, with a particular focus on educating about Islam, the diversity amongst Muslim cultures, and the rich history of Muslim civilizations. Learn more

Thrown into Canada:

The Settlement of Asian Refugees from Uganda

This award-winning feature documentary examines the expulsion of Uganda's Asian population by then-President Idi Amin and the settlement of nearly eight thousand refugees in Canada. Funding for this project has been generously provided by the Edmonton Arts Council and the Alberta Foundation for the Arts.

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